Ear infection as an infection of the ear canal or ear drum or middle ear or otis media about by the invasion of bacteria, fungus or viruses , vertigo. Symptoms of ear infection are ache in ear, itching in ear, thrashing of hearing power, discharge from ear, vertigo, mild fever and nausea.
Sometimes infection follows as upper respiratory tract infection such as common cold and flu. Infection of otis media is similar among infants and children whereas infection of the ear canal is common among adults or children’s. The hearing nerve and Eustachian tubes also play a part in ear infection.
Dr. Paul C Drago is an Otolaryngology experts is also an (ENT specialist), otorhinolaryngologist or, rhinolaryngologist, is a medical surgeon in the disorders of the ear or nose or throat, and related structures of the head and neck.
Causes of Ear Infection:
1. Foreign particles getting lodged in ear
2. Nutritional deficiency
3. Allergic reaction
4. Exposure to severe cold
5. Moisture or water getting trapped in ear while bathing or swimming
6. Throat infection